The GreenCityGIS Solution can answer these questions for you:



  1. How many parks do we have?
  2. What is the size of our parks?
  3. What types of parks exist in our community? Where are our parks, playgrounds, natural resources, and open spaces located?
  4. What is the overall condition of each park, playground, and recreation facility?
  5. Are the parks equally distributed across our community?
  6. How many trails and how many miles of trails do we have?
  7. How difficult and how long are our trails?
  8. How much underground infrastructure do we have in our parks?
  9. How much above-ground infrastructure do we have in our parks?
  10. How many signs?
  11. How many park benches?
  12. How many dedicated park benches?
  13. How much sidewalk?
  14. How many parking spaces?
  15. What models of playground equipment do we have?
  16. What is the wattage and bulb types for our lights?
  17. How many acres of grass do we mow?

Open Space

  1. How much green and open space do we have in our parks?
  2. How much open space do we have in our parks in relation to our population?

Environmentally Sensitive Areas

  1. How much environmentally sensitive area do we have?
  2. What type of environmentally sensitive area exists?
  3. Do our parks harbor any threatened or endangered species?

Green Infrastructure

  1. How much green infrastructure?
  2. Do we have any LEED-certified buildings?
  3. Do we have rain gardens, natural areas, and other important natural features in place to mitigate runoff & pollution in our parks?

Trees and Urban Forest

  1. How many trees do we have in our park system?
  2. What types of trees do we have?
  3. Where are we planting new trees?
  4. How old are our trees?
  5. Can we conduct a Parks Master Plan?
  6. Can we conduct an Urban Tree Canopy Assessment?
  7. Can we conduct an Urban Forest Master Plan?


  1. What recreation services do we offer?
  2. How well are recreation services attended?
  3. How far do people travel to attend recreation programs?
  4. Are your registrations for programs going up or down, and why?
  5. What programs are the most popular and where do people travel from?
  6. What is the socio-economic/demographic distribution of our recreation users?
  7. Where are communities that have low representation amongst recreation users?
  8. How many people come from outside our city limits to use our recreation facilities, and why?
  9. How long does it take for any citizen to walk to a park?
  10. How long of a walk is it to the nearest bus stop? Nearest bike share station? Nearest subway/train/tram stop?
  11. Which neighborhoods are more active than others?
  12. Do we have the right balance of parks, open space, people, and recreation activities? How well are we serving our community?
  13. What is the relationship between our people and our parks and recreation solutions?
  14. What age are our recreation users and where do they live?
  15. What is the age distribution of our recreation users?


  1. Where do most people come from to use our park system?
  2. Where and who do we market our parks and recreation services to?
  3. Which communities are the most involved in parks and rec?
  4. Are there other local entertainment destinations around the park? Restaurants, bars, movie theatres, shopping malls, museums, etc.
  5. Are the parks accessible to daycare centers or grade schools?
  6. What are residents saying about the park system on social media?


  1. How many parking spaces do we have at each park?
  2. How sustainable and resilient is our park system?
  3. How many cars can we park at any park?
  4. Where can we add additional parking?
  5. Where should we hold a specific event?
  6. How often are we replacing items?
  7. What materials hold up the best over time?
  8. Where will a new park serve the most people?
  9. What new equipment/park facilities are required?
  10. Which parks are becoming neglected?
  11. What parks need to be renovated?
  12. How much do we need to budget in the next 5-10 years to replace poor or dilapidated park assets?
  13. How safe are the parks and which have the highest amount of crime in and near the park?
  14. Is there adequate lighting at parks that have hours of operation after dark?
  15. For your major recreation events, is parking an ongoing issue?
  16. Where can we intelligently add new amenities to better serve our community?
  17. What will our need for repairs be in 2025? 2030?
  18. When will we need to replace our park assets?
  19. How can we create a connected network of green space/parks/trails?
  20. Where can we create natural areas and nature walks?


  1. How do we manage work orders?
  2. Where are our employees?
  3. Do we want to do maintenance by location, by maintenance type, or by priority?
  4. Are we doing enough regular maintenance?
  5. Who takes care of maintenance in certain parks?
  6. When will park maintenance initiatives be complete?
  7. Where does crime occur in or near parks?
  8. How many work orders do we have during high peak seasons and how long do they take to complete?
  9. How many open work orders do we have at any given time?


  1. Do we have amenities that are handicap accessible?
  2. What percentage of our amenities are handicap accessible?
  3. How much impervious surface do we have in our parks?
  4. Where are we susceptible to flooding?
  5. Where are our trees that are susceptible to a certain disease?
  6. How much park infrastructure needs replacing?
  7. Show us when the following Parks and Recreation Policy initiatives are in jeopardy:
  8. When our open space is less than 100 acres.
  9. When our infrastructure repair exceeds $5,000.
  10. When our open space area is less than 50 acres.
  11. When air quality is greater than?
  12. When our rainfall is more than 2 inches?
  13. How have our policies affected park sustainability?
  14. How do our policies affect rec users?
  15. How do our policies affect our park network?


  1. Are there any social equity gaps in our system?
  2. Are there areas where parks are being neglected?
  3. Where do we invest most in our parks?
  4. How has or how will our park system change land prices?
  5. What social and economic factors, such as income, education, employment, community safety, and social support affect park and recreation use?
  6. How can we leverage our park system to promote social equity for future generations?
  7. Can our parks contribute to the surrounding economies?
  8. Do we have the right balance of parks, open space, people, and recreation activities? How well are we serving our community?
  9. What is the relationship between our people and our parks and recreation solutions?

Next Generation of Decision Support

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